Share geoDB Collections

The geoDB is a service provided by the Euro Data Cube project (EDC) as a paid service. It comes with a Python client that provides hugh level access to your data, and a certain amount of space in a PostGreSQL database. For managing (as sharing is) your data you will need a management (read/write) account to your database which you can purchase at the EDC market place.

You can access the service in two ways:

  • By using the Jupyter Python notebook provided by EOX (configuration free, geodb = GeoDBClient())

  • By using you own Jupyter notebook or Python script by providing a client id and secret to the GeoDBClient (geodb = GeoDBClient(client_id="myid", client_secret="mysecet"))

The client ID and secret is also provided by EOX in the latter case. You will find them in your EOX hub account section. You can also provide the credentials via system environment variables (GEODB_AUTH_CLIENT_ID and GEODB_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET). These variables can be supplied via a .env file.

There are two different types of geoDB accounts: a read only, and a management (read/write) access. The system will determine your access right through your authentication credentials.

Sharing Data

from xcube_geodb.core.geodb import GeoDBClient

Login from any maschine

Install xcube geoDB with command:

conda install xcube_geodb -c conda-forge

### uncomment if not on EDC

#geodb = GeoDBClient(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, auth_mode="client-credentials")

Login in EDC environment

### comment if not on EDC

geodb = GeoDBClient()

Get your user name


Create Collection

import geopandas

# Have a look at fiona feature schema
collections = {
            "crs": 3794,
                "RABA_PID": "float",
                "RABA_ID": "float",
                "D_OD": "date"

geodb.create_collections(collections, clear=True)

gdf = geopandas.read_file('data/sample/land_use.shp')
geodb.insert_into_collection('land_use', gdf.iloc[:100,:]) # minimizing rows to 100, if you are in EDC, you dont need to make the subset.
Processing rows from 0 to 100
100 rows inserted into land_use

Publish a Collection to the World

0 No Grants

Please change the second positional kwargs to the geodb user you want to grant access to, if you are on EDC, go ahead and use ‘geodb_test5’ user:

geodb.grant_access_to_collection("land_use", "geodb_admin")
Access granted on land_use to geodb_admin
database table_name grantee privileges
0 geodb_ci_test_user land_use geodb_admin SELECT

Accessing the Collection as a different User

Let’s access the collection as a different user (a test user in this case), whose credentials were exported as an environment variable. You should now see a land_use collection.

import os
test_client_id = os.environ.get("TEST_CLIENT_ID")
test_client_secret = os.environ.get("TEST_CLIENT_SECRET")
geodb = GeoDBClient(client_id=test_client_id, client_secret=test_client_secret, auth_mode="client-credentials", server_url=test_client_geodb_api_server_url)
owner database table_name
0 geodb_8c2d3fbe-f7a9-4492-8068-121e47e61a4f test_db test_default_db
1 geodb_8c2d3fbe-f7a9-4492-8068-121e47e61a4f test_db test_deleting
2 geodb_9bfgsdfg-453f-445b-a459 geodb_9bfgsdfg-453f-445b-a459 land_use

Revoke access

Let’s go back to the original user.

geodb = GeoDBClient()

database table_name grantee privileges
0 geodb_ci_test_user land_use geodb_admin SELECT
geodb.revoke_access_from_collection("land_use", 'geodb_admin')
Access revoked from geodb_ci_test_user on land_use
0 No Grants

Finally going back to the initial user and deleting the collection:

Collection ['geodb_ci_test_user_land_use'] deleted
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