
In this chapter we will describe how to install the geoDB infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of four main components:

  1. A Python client/API accessing the database through the PostGrest RestAPI (this version)

  2. A PosGIS database (Version 14)

  3. A geoDB extension to be installed into the PostGIS database (this version)

  4. A PostGrest RestAPI (Version 7)

1. Installing the geoDB Client/API

The aim of the chapter is to describe the installation of the geoDB client which serves as a wrapper to accessing an existing geoDB service. You can omit steps 2.-4. entirely if you have gained access to such a service (e.g. by buying geoDB access through the eurodatacube service).

Installation Using the Package Manager conda/mamba

The xcube geodb client is preferably installed into a conda environment. Ensure that you use Python 3 (>=3.6). The geoDB client has not been tested with Python 2 and will very likely not work.

You install the client using conda

$ conda install -c conda-forge xcube_geodb
$ conda activate xcube_geodb

The client comes with a jupyter lab pre-installed. To launch the lab type:

$ conda activate xcube_geodb
$ jupyter lab

We have described the installation using the standard package managerconda. However, we strongly encourage you to consider using mamba instead, particularly if you combine the geoDB with xcube.

Installation from Sources

We discourage you to install from source. However, if you are a developer, use the following steps. Clone the repository using git:

$ git clone
$ cd xcube-geodb

You need to create the conda environment to install all dependencies:

$ conda env create

Once the environment has been created you can activate the environment and install the geoDB client:

$ conda activate xcube-geodb
$ python develop

2. Installation of the Database Backend

This section describes how to set up the geoDB PostGIS database. The geoDB PostGIS database consists of three software components:

  • A PostGreSQl database (version 14)

  • A PostGIS extension (version 14)

  • The geoDB extension (this version)

The easiest way is to use docker. We maintain a docker image that includes all these three components hosted on

docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword

For more information about the docker image refer to the PostGIS docker image.

Another option is to install the geoDB extension into an existing PostGIS instance. Prerequisite is, though, that you have full access to your database. If so, you can use a Makefile in our geoDB client repository. To do so clone the repository and move into the sql directory of the xcube_geodb package:

$ git clone
$ cd xcube-geodb/xcube_geodb/sql

You will find a Makefile in this directory. Before you can install the geodb extension you need to ensure that the xcube geodb version is set properly in the filename of the SQL file.

export GEODB_VERSION=<version>
make release_version

After the execution of the above make command, you will find two new files in your directory:

  • geodb.control and

  • geodb--<version>.sql

It is essential that those exist and that the version in the SQL file name matches the geoDB software version you attempt to install. The extension will not install otherwise.

Once the above-mentioned files exist, run make install. This will install all necessary files into your PostGIS directory structure.

Lastly, open a PostGreSQL console or a database GUI of your choice as super-user and enter the following SQL command:


3. Installation of the Postgrest RestAPI

One of the main objectives of the geoDB is to offer an easy way for users to gain access to a PostGIS database via a RestAPI. The geoDB takes advantage of the existing PostGreSQL restAPI Postgrest version 7.0.1 (we aim to upgrade to version 9 as it integrates better with PostGIS in the future).

To configure a postgrest instance please refer to the postgrest configuration docs. We will give an example in the next chapter where we talk about authorization and authentication.

4. Authorization/Authentication

The geoDB infrastructure was developed to run on the eurodatacube infrastructure. Hence, it was never meant to run outside a different authorization flow other than oauth2 machine to machine or password flows. In the following, we, therefore, provide an example, how to configure postgrest for proper authorization with Auth0 using the client_credentials flow. This configuration should also in principle work with other providers like Keycloak.

Step 1: Create an API in Auth0

Ensure that you name the API (this will be the audience in the client configuration) and make sure that Add Permissions in the Access Token is enabled.

Step 2: Create an Application in Auth0

You need to create a ‘Machine to Machine’ application in Auth0 in order for this example to work. Other providers call this ‘client’. Select the API created above and note down the client_id and client_secret Auth0 will provide after the creation of the application.

Step 3: Configure the client for the client_credentials auth flow

The Auth0 application is used by the geoDB client when connecting to the Auth0 token end points. In our example the geoDB client uses a client_id/client_secret pair and sends it to the authentication provider. The provider returns the bearer token. The token contains information about the client as given in the example below (this example might be incomplete):

  "iss": "an issuer",
  "aud": [
    "an audience"
  "scope": "scoped that are authorized",
  "gty": "client-credentials",
  "email": "email of the user",
  "permissions": [
  "": "the posgresql role",
  "exp": "expiry date"

The geoDB client will use that token every time it connects to the postgrest service. The postgrest service will test, whether the token (and hence the user/client) is authorized to access the PostGIS instance. The token also contains client/user information like the PostGreSQL role the client/user is assigned to.

The client can be configured using dotenv for your convenience. Add a .env file in your working directory. Add the following entries of you use client credentials:

GEODB_AUTH_CLIENT_ID = "the auth0 client id"
GEODB_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "the auth0 client secret"
GEODB_AUTH_MODE = "client-credentials"
GEODB_AUTH_AUD = "the auth0 audience (The name of your API)"
GEODB_AUTH_DOMAIN="The auth0 domain (Look in yout auth0 application under 'Endpoints/OAuth Token URL')"
GEODB_API_SERVER_URL = "The postgrest API server URL"
GEODB_API_SERVER_PORT = "The postgrest API server port"

Step 3 (alternative): Configure the client for the password auth flow

The configuration for the password flow is very similar to the client_credentials flow. You need to create a single machine to machine application in Auth0 instead of an application per user. Use the id and secret in your .env file. The main difference in the configuration is that you need users with a username and password. You can add those in Auth0 as many as you need. You need to use a username-password connection. The username and password can also be configured as environment variable. This is meant to be used in JupyterLabs to provide the user’s credentials automatically in the user’s notebook.

GEODB_AUTH_CLIENT_ID = "the auth0 password flow client id"
GEODB_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "the auth0 password flow client secret"
GEODB_AUTH_MODE = "password"
GEODB_AUTH_AUD = "the auth0 audience (The name of your API)"
GEODB_AUTH_DOMAIN="The auth0 domain (Look in yout auth0 application under 'Endpoints/OAuth Token URL')"
GEODB_AUTH_USERNAME = "the auth0 username"
GEODB_AUTH_PASSWORD = "the auth0 password"
GEODB_API_SERVER_URL = "The postgrest API server URL"
GEODB_API_SERVER_PORT = "The postgrest API server port"

Please be aware that the username/password flow is discouraged for security reasons. However, Auth0 has a strict limit on the number of applications (100). Hence, it might be necessary to use the username/password flow in Auth0 if you have a large number of users. Please refer to the Auth0 docs how to set up that flow.

Step 4: Configure the postgrest Service

The postgrest service needs a key to check the signature of the token. This is done using the jwt-secret in the postgrest configuration file using asymmetric encryption (tested with Auth0) (see postgrest docs chapter ‘JWT from Auth0’).

db-uri = "postgres://user:mapassword@localhost:5432/geodb"
db-schema = "public, geodb_user_info"
db-anon-role = "anonymous"
jwt-secret = ""{\"alg\":\"RS256\",\"e\":\"AQAB\",\"key_ops\":[\"verify\"],\"kty\":\"RSA\",\"n\":\"aav7svBqEXAw-5D29LO...\"}""

The entry in section “n” is provided by Auth0 as a so-called ‘public key’ of the application you have configured in Auth0.